The Importance Of Digital Marketing For Small Businesses


Digital marketing is a key factor in the success of any company, especially for small business owners. Its importance lies in several points, most notably its great contribution to bringing more potential customers through the wide and large spread of sites covered by digital advertising campaigns, in addition to that you can choose your audience who are interested in the product or service. In addition to its low costs compared to traditional means of advertising through the features and techniques provided by social media that make the advertiser reach the desired goals of his advertising campaign, if he uses them to the fullest, it is considered the link between the advertiser and the customer like search engines, content, e-mail and clips Video, illustrations, advertising text messages and e-books.

Therefore, it is necessary for any person who undertakes a small business project to adopt the process of digital marketing to promote his products or services, but rather he must develop his methods of buying and selling and dealing with customers to keep pace with the development taking place in the electronic market worldwide.

The importance of digital marketing lies in several points that we will list with illustrative examples, including :

Optimization of integrated content on the Internet :

The type and form of the advertised content often have a major role in attracting people to it, so the advertiser must choose appropriate and appropriate content, whether it is advertising text, illustrations, expressive images or videos. In producing attractive content through which he communicates the idea of ​​the advertised product in an innovative manner, such as writing an advertisement phrase alongside a picture or creative design that draws attention, or as filming a video clip discussing the most important issues or problems for a particular group of people and helping this group to find appropriate solutions and so on.

The role of social networking sites in digital marketing :

As a result of the great demand for social networking sites by Internet users, especially those looking for specific products or services, these platforms provide their users with services and technologies that help them find faster and greater what they are looking for by offering publications and advertisements that suit their interests that they had included as information when they subscribed to these The platforms are on their personal accounts, and in turn, it is an opportunity for the advertiser through these platforms to make the best use of these technologies to promote his products or services and get the largest possible number of customers.

The goals of social media users differ, each according to his interest, some of them use it for entertainment and entertainment or gather news and information, and some use it to present to him his achievements and works, and others use it for learning and benefit, and some of them use it to promote his products and services, and with this difference, these means strive to develop their work system to attract the largest possible number of subscribers using the latest technology and information methods

Through it, developers and those in charge of social media work to provide comfort and safety for their subscribers and provide everything that would help them achieve their goals, regardless of the importance of these goals, negative or positive. Marketers know very well the importance of these platforms in achieving their desired goals and they are aware The interaction between the advertiser and the potential customer is very necessary to build trust between the two parties on the one hand and to know the strengths and weaknesses of the promotional campaign through the followers’ comments and the extent of their interaction with the advertising material presented to them on the other hand.

Developing methods to reach customers:

Many Internet users around the world use modern search techniques to obtain information and search for products and services on the Internet. Perhaps the most prominent platforms that most of these users rely on are Google and Bing platforms, which provided a new and advanced pattern of communication between the advertiser and the customer through search engines and methods. Effective in analyzing data and studying the stages of the promotional attic, these platforms derive their importance as a destination for huge numbers of Internet users, whether from their mobile phones or computers and tablets. This large number of users has made these platforms carry out digital marketing campaigns for various commercial activities, whether they are advertisements for tourist trips Or scholarships, businesses or other services that you offer in your online store or any other business. Perhaps the best and fastest way to generate leads is through search engine marketing.

Digital Marketing Techniques:

Digital marketing techniques vary according to the advertised material, for example:

Google Analytics This tool enables you to analyze the profit mechanism that you make through digital advertising, monitor the activity of users in pay-per-click marketing campaigns, track the flow of visitors to the website, and many more features that you do not see in traditional marketing campaigns.

Google Keyword Planner: It allows you to put the keywords that are searching for users who are looking for a specific product within a scheme that opens the way for you to know your competitors and learn about ways that enable you to outperform them. You can also search for new sites to promote your products and services. I made more profits.

Rapid development of online communities:

Many marketers are keen on continuous communication between them and their followers, as in a YouTube channel or an account on a social networking site, which creates a cohesive and solid community with regard to the aspects of work and commerce. And skills are invested by some commercially to open up many horizons for them to establish a business through which they can build a successful and well-known brand name for the pioneers of these platforms as a Facebook page, blog or YouTube channel.

E-mail marketing is also an essential pillar of e-marketing. People or companies often resort to checking incoming messages to their e-mail in order to get what is useful for them. Here comes the role of the e-mail marketer to present to researchers about the benefit and quality in any particular service. To provide what it has by sending messages with valuable and useful content to the largest number of people and companies seeking the best services.


Skills You Need To Start, Run And Grow Your Online Business From Home


Digital Marketing Skills:

You must develop your skills in digital marketing to ensure the smooth running of your business process. The continuity of profit from your online business depends on your ability to organize a mechanism that guarantees you efficiency in managing social networking sites and in content marketing skill, improving the appearance of results on search engines and investing them optimally in Marketing process.

Learning Skills :

No person can acquire any skill and become highly qualified in any particular field if he has not undergone several educational programs that have led him to success and excellence and learn from failure before success. This fully applies to your marketing project, as you must learn everything It benefits your business based on your own experiences and the experiences of others, quoting from the experiences of experts and specialists in this field, and making it an approach to follow during the process of marketing your products or services.

Leadership skills:

It is doing what you have to do according to the requirements of your marketing plan and the skills you pursue within the framework of the possibilities offered to you by social media platforms and technologies provided by search engines, whatever the circumstances and obstacles you face. In work and in avoiding the negative impact of criticism that you are exposed to, it does not affect your self-esteem and decrease your determination, but on the contrary, you make it a positive factor through which you correct defects and shortcomings, if any, so that you have these ingredients together as a leadership personality that advances your business activity for the better.

Money management:

The success of any business is not only limited to earning money and making profits, but you must know how to manage this money by saving it and investing it in developing and expanding your project, especially working online. Good forms of money management and as your profits increase, you can allocate more amounts to promotions, which contributes to the growth of your business circle more and faster.

Formation of an experienced team:

Building a team capable of assisting you in developing the digital marketing approach for your online business is an important factor for the success and growth of this activity in the long run, and that is by selecting people with experience and employing them, each according to his specialization and experience, and by combining these experiences, an integrated work system is formed that inevitably leads to impressive results that reach the process. marketing to the required level.

Decisive and quick decision making:

One of the most important marketing skills on which the success and growth of the online business depends is the speed of decision-making regarding how and when promotional campaigns on the Internet, such as choosing the date of offers and dates of discounts on your products and many of the ideas that distinguish you from your competitors, so you must avoid hesitation in making decisions that That will contribute to the development of your business and increase your profits.

Data analysis skills:

The growth of business and thus increasing profits through working online depends largely on your ability and skill in analyzing customer behavioral data and data related to the progress of the promotional process. And more towards professionalism in the field of digital marketing.

Time management skill:

Exploiting the time factor is one of the cornerstones of the smooth running of the digital marketing process, by knowing how to invest your time in certain times or events that match the content of your business

What gives you strong competition among your peers in the market and ensures the growth of your business in record time is the perseverance in implementing your marketing methodology on a daily and continuous basis.


Ideas To Start Your Online Business From Home


Online store on a self-hosted website:

This requires you to take several steps to start with setting up the site from choosing the domain name and hosting, then defining the type of business and the payment method that your customers will deal with you within the site, and then start following an appropriate promotion plan for your products or services using social media such as targeted advertising on Facebook and pay-per-click and content marketing strategies.

Using the Amazon platform

The Amazon platform is considered a widespread electronic market. Once you use the Amazon platform to display your products, the people in charge of it will take the procedures of the business process in a manner that ensures its success for the seller and the buyer.

Self-hosted blog:

A blog is an online business that requires you a little money backed by using your skills in communicating with others and through it you can help people gain skills and share experiences in a specific topic. The way to earn money from a blog is in several ways:

1- Promote services such as designing websites or offering graphics and designs for sale.

2- Through commission marketing to another party that sells products in which it plays the role of a commercial intermediary between the seller and the buyer in return for a sum of money.

3- Content-based advertising.

Offer on freelance websites:

This method depends on displaying a set of samples of your work, whether graphics, designs, writing, or any service related to marketing skills, within the framework of your own profile that you create on independent websites and platforms specialized in publishing those services.

Having a certain skill opens the way for you to start your independent business from home, online, in line with your interests and experiences, in parallel with obtaining a good financial return.

The more you offer on these sites works of a distinguished professional nature, your chance to work on those sites will be greater and more abundant, as the quality of your work reflects to customers a positive image that encourages them to choose you to implement their work within the framework of the strong competition within these platforms.

Online lectures:

This method depends on you conducting online training courses within your specializations and skills. If you are skilled in drawing, for example, you can conduct several educational lessons on the Internet explaining the principles and techniques of drawing, in which you attract a large number of followers interested in learning to draw.

The same applies to any other skill that you invest in publishing through specialized platforms or on your website, depending on the correct promotion and quality in explanation and delivery that will bring you appropriate profits.

Create a YouTube channel:

The YouTube platform is a suitable and fertile environment for offering and publishing your services to reach the largest possible group of people by creating your own channel. By launching an educational project in a specific field, for example, you shoot videos that attract followers so that you can earn profits from advertising and marketing on that channel.

Creating and developing mobile and web applications:

You can benefit from acquiring skills in creating and developing mobile and web applications through your learning of programming techniques, and this gives you several options to determine the type of applications that you will create in line with the requirements and needs of the market

If you have more idea please share it with us


Steps To Start Your Online Business


In this Article, we will list the 6 most important options and techniques for starting any online business:

1- Rely on your own skills:

The skills that you possess in any field and your method of using those skills are your weapon in moving towards a successful online business. Investing your strengths in drawing, cooking, selling, marketing, or even in creating videos makes you a useful person in the eyes of followers and the focus of attention and attracting searchers for the services you provide. All these factors can be considered your true balance in starting a successful project online.

2- Define your goals and make them your top priority.

Determining the main goals of working online is an important major step that puts you on the right paths in your career. Earning money is one of the most important goals for anyone who practice a business anywhere and anytime, and this does not negate the desire to create a well-known, reputable brand that leads to establish good business relations with customers and stimulate the desire of qualified people to join your team. All these goals give you a strong motivation to level up your business to a high position in the widespread online market.

3- Perform a valuable transition:

One of the important options in developing an integrated business that greatly contributes to increasing profits. Your integration into the electronic market opens the way for you to spread your products and services across a wider geographical spot and thus expand your circle of customers by creating your own online store in which you display your goods or services or display them on other sales platforms Online.

For example, if a teacher gives lessons to students at his home, he teaches via the Internet, which increases the number of his students and increases his profits.

4- Make your hobbies and interests a profession for you:

If you are good at playing music, or composing poems, or your hobby is cooking, drawing, or acting, then investing any of these hobbies in making it work for you is the best way to start your online business, provided that you support your interests and enhance them with creativity and use all your skills to make you excel at Your peers in the field of business via the Internet and thus you have taken the first step on the road to success and vice versa. Your attempt to start an online business that is not related to your studies or interests is a failed attempt.

For example, a person cannot start a business by selling sports equipment or providing explanations about exercises via the Internet, and he is not familiar with sports at all. In return, a person who has talent and high skill in drawing starts a business online by using that talent correctly, which is the best strategy for the success of work through the Internet.

5- Start with little money:

There is no doubt that using an amount of money to finance your project online increases the success rate of that project. Perhaps the best use of that money is to use it in promotional and digital marketing campaigns to serve the growth of your project and ensure its continuity and spread, so it is the good budget that helps to develop the business faster. But, if the money is not adequately available to be relied upon to earn money, it will be based on what you have of experience and skills.

6- Allocating working hours.

One of the strategies for starting an online business is to allocate working hours in proportion to the income. In other words, if you work in a company and want to start an online business, part-time is the best option for you. With the expansion of your business and increasing your profits online, you have the choice whether to leave the job or keep working full time with the assistance of a representatives who has the required skills and experience to handle the work.

– Next time we will review ideas for online businesses.


What Are The Best Digital Marketing Strategies For Successful Businesses?


Drawing a correct digital marketing strategy is one of the most important pillars on which the proper conduct of the promotional process is based and choosing the right plan is important in the optimal use of the features offered by all digital marketing media, which will bring you great benefit and raise your business to the desired level.

On the contrary, if the marketing plan is not at a good level of professionalism, the chances of its success will diminish, and therefore the marketing campaign is doomed to failure.

There is no doubt that most of the companies that are very popular and enjoy an excellent reputation have derived their popularity and success from the well-chosen purely strong marketing approach through which their business continues to grow.

What is the best strategy for e-marketing success?

The skill in using the methods and tools available to build business relationships with customers and deal with product pricing and distribution techniques in the right way constitutes the basic structure of a successful digital marketing strategy and this is what you will learn about in this article in order to reach professionalism as an advertiser through digital marketing capable of leading social networking sites and employ it in the service of your advertising project.

In our explanation of the digital marketing strategy, we will address an example of marketing through the Facebook platform, which has a major role in spreading advertising content on a large scale.

  • As Facebook has many advertisement tools that allow anyone to create a business page. It is an ideal plan to start using this page to pick the target group audience and type of the publication that interest the audience. Thus, it is an exemplary step towards the success of the promotion process on Facebook, especially since the features available on the page enable linking other accounts with the Facebook account, such as a website that helps the audience to find it easily and get more visits, thus increasing the opportunity for the business to grow.
  • The content marketing strategy also has an effective role in the growth of the business. For example, a toy store presents a blog about games that enhance the children creativity. Choosing the appropriate title that will appear in the first search results for those looking for games that enhance the child’s creativity represents an effective strategy for content marketing. Additionally, sharing this blog on social media could attract more visitors to your product website and encourage them to sign up and get emails for future activities.
  • One of the other marketing strategies that contribute the growth of the business is “Google My Business”  because using this tool could help people to easily find the location of any business as the features and services offered by that platform that allow  classifying the business product according to the lists of services, categories and hours of operation on maps online Like Google Maps, then include this business in search lists to show researchers specific products and services.

Finally, the most important way to increase the visitors numbers  is choosing the appropriate promotional words that are frequently used and that will appear in search engines for the huge number of Internet users in order to search for a specific business. Assuming that you are a seller of women’s clothing and dresses, with the approaching festive seasons, the title “Best Evening Dresses” appears in Google ads could be very useful to attract more people to your websit.


What Are The 8 Types Of Digital Marketing?


Digital marketing is divided into 8 main sections: social media marketing, email marketing, search engines, pay-per-click, content marketing, affiliate marketing, mobile marketing, marketing analysis, and affiliate marketing.

It has been noted that relying on digital marketing has contributed greatly to the development of the marketing approach for companies and institutions through the possibility of choosing advertising designs and controlling the quality of the target group of the audience according to their interest in the advertised product.

Types of digital marketing:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The appearance of the site that contains the advertised products in the first search results on Google is an important factor for this site to reach the largest category of customers looking for those products, but the extent of the success of this process requires the promoters in this way to select the appropriate words and phrases most frequently used by researchers on Search engines and their inclusion in the advertising content of the advertiser, and the way the website is designed in an attractive and organized manner and the choice of its link with the other site plays a major role in obtaining the desired results from the marketing process using search engines.

So, it is imperative for marketers in this way to be fully aware of the mechanism of search engines, especially Google, and to understand their algorithms by following these steps:

A good site structure helps search engines reach it fully, including advertising content, and this is done through the correct format of sitemaps, links and URLs.

It is necessary to replace images with alternative texts, videos and sounds with texts so that the search engine can read the content of the site clearly.

Choosing the appropriate words and search terms in the advertising content within the site and selecting the frequently used phrases in a concise manner is considered one of the mainstays for improving the priority of the site’s appearance in the search engine results.

Social media marketing:

It is everything that includes promotions on social media platforms, provided that it is not limited to creating sponsored posts and interacting with comments only, but also includes full coordination of the automation and scheduling processes offered by these platforms, especially the continuous follow-up and use of them to serve the progress of the promotional process to the fullest.

Those in charge of promoting through social media must remain in contact with the general marketing staff and coordinate with them fully to ensure the exchange of messages and all elements of the advertising program at a high level of harmony and organization across all systems, whether through the Internet or other means of other promotion.

Also, the continuous follow-up of the ad traffic by measuring and evaluating the audience’s interactions with the advertising publications plays a major role in correcting the defect, if any, and enhancing the positive points in the event that the promotional process proceeds as required.

Social media platforms give you many options that are not limited to Twitter and Instagram, but also include other areas such as:

 Google My Business, eBay, Facebook Messenger, and Marketplace.

With all these advantages offered by these platforms to you as an advertiser, the extent of the success of the promotion process remains dependent on the type and form of the advertising publications in a way that draws attention and attracts the onlookers and in the manner of presenting the advertising text that cannot be overlooked as an essential element of the advertising campaign.

Pay-per-click (PPC):

It is the indication of each click of the ads that appear at the front of search results at the top of the page, or those that appear while browsing web pages and mobile applications, or that appear before the beginning of YouTube clips. It is an effective way to raise the percentage of the promotion process to advanced ranks in the search results, and on the other hand, it is distinguished from others that you pay the advertising expense when someone clicks on your ad.

The percentage of the cost of advertising varies according to the number of people searching for keywords and keywords in the sites, so the value increases by the large number of searchers for those words and decreases as their number decreases.

Email Marketing:

Email marketing is one of the important sections of content marketing. Email marketing experts have an integrated vision of how to deal with people professionally and flexibly, and they have the skill to follow and analyze customer interactions by tracking the number of people who entered the email, the percentage of clicks, opening the mail, etc. From tracking mail traffic in general, and certainly there are several important things that should not be hidden from the originator of e-mail advertisements, including:

* Your personal stamp is an identification identity for you through your mail for customers and visitors, which distinguishes you from others

* Convincing the public of the urgent need for the advertised product and presenting a strong offer that ends within a short period of time, making the site a great turnout.

Content Marketing:

This is a method that is considered a marketing plan that will continue in the long term, through which advertisers present the marketing content elements of videos, voices, texts and podcasts, which will continue over time to attract the largest segment of the audience.

Mobile Marketing:

This type of marketing is done via smartphones or tablets to the target audience through text messages, websites, e-mail and social media by offering promotional offers or advertising content during a specific time and place.

Statistics have proven that a large group of consumers spend much more time using smart phone applications compared to watching advertisements on TV.

Marketing Analytics :

This type of marketing allows the advantage of tracking the progress of the marketing process in great detail by knowing the behavior of users in terms of the number of visits, click rate, the number of times email messages are opened, and many other advantages that require those in charge of the marketing process to absorb the huge amount of analysis information and deal with it according to a plan a certain professionalism.

Knowing the implications resulting from the analysis of the marketing process helps to create a specific strategy by knowing the strengths and employing them in supporting advertising campaigns to upgrade them to the best possible performance on the one hand, and on the other hand knowing the flaws and weaknesses to be remedied and avoided.

Marketers have a good number of techniques that allow them to assess the effectiveness of marketing operations, and perhaps the most famous of these is the Google Analytics tool used for marketing analytics.

Affiliate Marketing:

This type of marketing depends on establishing a business relationship that connects your company with specialized agencies to lead the promotions according to well-thought-out and highly effective systematic plans by involving their audience in your company’s promotional processes, whether publications or videos to attract a larger number of customers that increase the expansion of your business within a short period .

Many platforms that adopt the commission promotion process have spread, such as TikTok, Instagram and Youtube, and it is expected that the number of platforms that adopt this type of digital marketing as an approach to it will increase, according to statistical studies.


In the end, digital marketing is one of the most important areas that everyone should learn how to master their skills


What Is The Concept Of Digital Marketing?


Digital marketing is the process of promoting and selling products and services by electronic devices through social media, search engines, e-mail and mobile applications.

About digital marketing it depends on online marketing and offline marketing that is built on seven main pillars:

1. Content Marketing

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

3. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

4. Affiliate Marketing

5. Using Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

6. Email Marketing

7. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

In this article, we will highlight The offline marketing:

Offline marketing is based on four main categories, which are electronic marketing( enhanced offline marketing), radio marketing, television marketing and telemarketing, and we will address each of them separately.

Electronic Marketing(Enhanced Offline Marketing):

The billboard is one of the means of marketing that is not connected to the Internet, especially electronic ones. However, the success of advertising in this way depends mainly on the placement of the billboard, as it is placed in a place crowded with pedestrians that attracts a larger number of customers, which returns to the advertiser with more positive results.

The detailed explanation through pictures and illustrations, which attracts a good number of pioneers in electronic stores, is an important factor in the digital marketing plan.

From the above, we conclude that the success of offline marketing depends on attracting the largest segment of people.

TV Marketing:

According to statistics related to television marketing, the number of television viewers in the United States is still consolidating the mass base on which television marketing is based, especially the high percentage of subscribers to multicast channels.

Radio Marketing:

A study says that in recent years, the number of radio listeners in the United States has increased significantly, and in return, the value of spending on radio advertising is rising in parallel with that rise.

And the methods of advertising on the radio developed by making the host of the program start his radio program by reciting your advertisement and promoting your product.

So, with the help of search engines, you must choose the stations whose interests and requirements are in line with your advertised products. For example, if you own a sportswear and equipment company, you need to search for a radio program whose listeners are youth and athletes, on the one hand, and on the other hand. As a radio advertiser, you must choose the advertisement that is entertaining and not boring for the listener in the absence of the visual effect that people are more attracted to.

Mobile Marketing:

The number of people connected to the Internet from smart phones has increased by much more than the number of Internet users from computers. This wide spread of smart devices has contributed to raising the value of the amounts spent on mobile advertising compared to desktop advertising expenditures.

Call and text:

It depends on contacting a person and trying to sell a product to him, but this method has limited effectiveness compared to marketing through social media.

And text messages have a better role in the marketing process due to their availability on all phones and their widespread spread. Offering discounts is an important factor for any advertiser to attract the largest segment of customers. On the other hand, you can send special offers and gifts to customers participating in text messages. The text message service allows you to remind customers of appointments. Specific to launch a specific product and determine the date of receipt, for example.


Despite the great reliance on the Internet in the development of the marketing process that cannot be dispensed with for any advertiser, the use of traditional methods that do not need to connect to the Internet still exists and achieves good results in marketing and contributes to expanding the circle of potential customers as well as working on the development of traditional devices to achieve maximum benefit of digital media.
